Veeam For RedHat Virtualization – Part2

Deploying oVirt (Hosted Engine)

In part 1 we got our host ready for oVirt

Now I know a lot of us, myself included haven’t really ever worked with RHV so to match this up to VMware terms, RHV is ESXi and oVirt is vCenter, hopefully, that simplifies it a bit.

As this is just a lab environment we will be deploying our hosted engine on our single node cluster


  • DNS A records for the host and for oVirt both froward and reverse
    • rhv.lab.local (
    • ovirt.lab.local(
  • NFS Share
    • nas:/volume2/ovirt

I am using my Synology NAS for my NFS share with the following configuration, again this is a lab environment, If you are deploying this in production please confirm with your network/security team regarding these options.

Right now that we got all the pre-requisites out the way let’s get onto deploying oVirt.

  • Log into your host using the web console http://servername:9090
    • Navigate to Virtualization and select Hosted Engine
  • Populate the requirements to best suit your environment
    • As per the pre-reqs you need your DNS records created prior to doing this step else it will fail.
    • Another tip is configure the network settings first and then enter the Engine VM FQDN else it will also say its failed for some reason.
    • Feel free to change the advanced settings to match your requirements, as this is my lab I am using the defaults.
  • Provide your Engine with a Admin Portal Password and configure SMTP
  • Confirm you are happy with your config and “Prepare the VM”

  • This will kick off a bunch of ansible playbooks in the background, at this point just sit and wait as it runs for a while so be patient, go make a coffee, play a round of a golf (for context this took about 30 minutes in my lab) 🙂

  • Once that’s finally done, you will be greeted with a green tick, This means the VM is prepped and ready for the final deployment steps

  • Next up we need to configure storage, again feel free to change the advanced settings to meet your needs, as this is my lab I will be leaving it as is.
  • Click next, confirm your settings and Finish the deployment.
  • once we have had another cup of coffee, we should be greeted by another green tick to say the deployment is complete.
  • Navigate to the Administrator Portal
    • login with “admin” and the password you set.

That’s it, oVirt is successfully up and running and we are officially ready for Part 3, Deploying Veeam for RedHat Virtualization.

I hope this has been informative and has always, Keep on learning.